Graphic Design Service

Graphic Design, Photography and Web Site Design Service

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Studio 3-G Graphic Design

Brand Communications Design

A business's identity (corporate image) or the image conveyed by a company's logo and corporate communications collateral should create a positive emotional response in the company's target market or customer.

The well-crafted, intentional process of forming that "image" is called branding; This is the basis of commercial graphic design.

"…branding is about building relationships; it is about giving a brand and a product long-term value. It is about sensorial experiences, designs that make you feel the product; designs that make you taste the product; designs that make you buy the product."

— Sergio Zyman
(from Emotional Branding by Marc Gobé)

We believe choosing the right design firm is a very important part of building your business, because how you communicate is as important as what you communicate.

Studio 3-G will design/brand your marketing communications, so your voice is effectively seen and heard.


For more information on our services,  Call: 619.564.4445