Prints • San Diego Bay Photo
Photo of San Diego, from Coronado Island by Ryan Belong
One of his most popular photos, taken in January 2012, makes an excellent poster or framed print. Prints may be ordered through this web site and paid for via PayPal (credit card or direct withdrawl) or by check, payable to Studio 3-G.
Download an order form here:

Postcards and Posters for Resale
For information on bulk orders for resale or gift shop sales,
Postcards for the Homeless
If you purchased this postcard at a freeway offramp or street corner, 100% of the proceeds go to the individual you bought it from. Your purchase helps these folks earn an honest living and perhaps, one day, make it off the streets. The postcard was purchased by the homeless individual at cost in order to create an incentive to produce and earn money by exchanging something of tangible value.
Other Uses
Would you like to use this photo in one of your marketing
pieces for web or print purposes? Contact us for more information on these
or other uses.
Buy Prints with PayPal
You may submit payment for prints via PayPal by clicking the link below. Download order form at right to calculate final cost (include shipping and tax in final total. Add .0775% CA sales tax to your order) and enter total sum into PayPal payment field. Also, please leave us a note in the message box on the details of your order, or feel free to e-mail us them to assure the accuracy of your order. Thanks!
More Prints for Purchase• Los Angeles
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